Thursday, October 11, 2007

Beatniks, Hippies and the 1967 Summer of Love!

The age of ground gave manner to the age of emotion. The optimism of the modern philosophers gave manner to the pessimism of the postmodern philosophers. Modernism is the idea that ultimate truth and absolute morality can be discovered by rational thought.

(Absolute ethical motive are ethical motive that use to all people across all civilizations at all times.)

Modernists asserted that this newly discovered rational system of absolute morality would heal the world. This optimistic modernism crashed on the shoals of the slaughters under communism and the mass homicides under Hitler. There arose a postmodern pessimism along with its prophets, Jean Alice Paul Jean-Paul Jean-Paul Sartre and Prince Albert Albert Albert Camus after World War II.

Sartre and Camus were not only philosophers but were also playwrights. Their dramas promoted the new pessimism and the doctrine of nihilism. Nihilism intends nothingness, that is no significance for life.

In his book, Nausea, Jean-Paul Jean-Paul Sartre described adult male as "a useless passion." Sartre's averment was that the modern conception of ground can't work out man's dilemma. Jean-Paul Sartre was an burning atheist. If there is no Supreme Being then decease causes the surcease of consciousness. To the atheist, world have no future, only nothingness.

There arose a new motion in the late 1940s called the "beats." They resented the term "beatnik" with its "nik" suffix because it was a label pasted on them by outsiders. Out of the disaffection and namelessness of 20th century urban life came the Beat generation.

The term "Beat" intends down and out. They rejected the stuff success of the 1950s.

The Beat Generation admitted they were down and out as they hitchhiked and bummed around yet they claimed to be full of emotional dynamism. It was a new optimism that arose not from ground but from emotion. It was a denial of nihilism and an encompass of self-love (self love).

They were also called "Bohemians" and "hipsters." The work force wore goatees, dark glasses and berets; the women wore achromatic tights and allow their hair turn long and flowing. Their political relation was broad but their political engagement negligible. They used looks such as as "groovy" and "cool man, cool." There was a generational displacement when the crowds of immature flower people started hanging out with the old beats. The little people wore bright clothing and believed in political activism to change the world. The Beat Generation called them "Hippies."

The beat generation hung out in the North Beach subdivision of San Francisco. The Flower People preferred a vicinity around the intersection point of two streets called Haight and Ashbury in San Francisco near Golden Gate Park.

The leadership of the new Hippie motion set out a phone call to all the Flower People all across United States to come up to San Francisco in the summertime of 1967. It was to be called the "Summer of Love." The Summer of Love unfolded in a helter-skelter manner and brought in about 100,000 people by most estimates. There were speeches, rallies, free food, sexual promiscuousness drugs and shiploads of emotional idealism. As the Beatles song of the clip said "All you necessitate is love!"

They really thought that their entreaties to love would unify the human race in peace. Not a bad idea. In fact it's very similar to the thought Supreme Being had all along. "For Supreme Being so loved the human race that He gave His lone begotten Son" (John 3:16).

The Beat Generation had often dabbled in eastern faith and the Flower People who followed them often did too. But there arose among the Flower People many who turned to the love of Supreme Being through Christ. The twelvemonth 1967 also saw the rise of The Jesus Of Nazareth Movement. It was an dry sight to see immature people who overtly rejected their parents conservative ways suddenly encompass Book based Christianity. Many were baptized in the Pacific Ocean ocean.

The Jesus Of Nazareth motion spreading across the state and lasted for old age as immature people by the thousands, dare I state millions, turned to Jesus to have forgiveness of sins.

The bulk of the Summer of Love Flower People didn't turn to Jesus but rather returned to their places with a new narcissistic zeal. Their moral values were based on emotion rather than logic. "Whatever experiences good, make it" was a popular motto among them.

Their civilization of sexual promiscuity, drugs and disaffection from the norm soon filtered all through American society so that today Hippie values are mainstream. The idealism that led them to believe that they could unify the human race in love have long ago subsided. The 1980's proverb the rise of the "Me Generation." The "free love" sexual promiscuousness fueled household breakdown. Broken households bring forth broken people and they're everywhere.

Now a new coevals have arisen. On Saturday, July 7, 2007, nearly 100,000 people gathered at the Titans bowl in Capital Of Volunteer State Tennessee. It was not a jubilation but rather a fasting and supplication clip in which they called out to Supreme Being to direct resurgence to America.

A Christian organisation called "The Call" sponsored the event. In the hebdomads following the event Lou Engle, one of the leadership of The Call, led busloads of immature people all across the United States to pray for revival. Engle's cross state supplication enterprise was called "The Summer of Real Number Love." There is ultimate truth and absolute moral values. These moral absolutes are not discovered by modern man's ground or conjured up from the emotions of the postmodern narcissistic self.

The moral absolutes were revealed by Supreme Being in the Bible. They include the Ten Commandments and the instructions of Jesus. The Book is a book vindicated by more than than 3,000 prognostic prognostications and their fulfillments. No other authorship of any sort throughout all of human history have got anything to compare with that.

Virtually all sacred Hagiographa of other religions have no prognostications at all. The one thousands of prognostic prognostications contained in the Book are like God's signature on His holy book. His holy book states "God is love" (I Toilet 4:8). Emotions make substance after all.

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