Thursday, June 14, 2007

Women's Health - An Overview

Staying healthy at any age begins with good eating habits, maintaining proper weight, limit levels of stress, regular exercise, take quality supplements when appropriate and, recognizing and understanding the leading causes of death in order to take appropriate preventative steps to considerably reduce such risks. Men and women share several health problems but women like man have their own health issues that need special consideration.

It is very important that every woman has access to knowledge and basic understanding of health issues on all aspects of their body. Life span for women in 1900 was about 50 years. Most did not live long enough to be concerned for many of today's health issues. In 2003 according to Center for Disease Control (CDC) their life expectancy is 80.1 years. It is essential therefore to understand how to maximize their health.

While men and women are affected alike by many disease there are some diseases that occur in women at much higher rate.
For example:
Migraine headaches are 3 times more common in female than male.
Hypertension is more common in women than men after age 50.
Autoimmune disorders afflict more than 12 million Americans of which 3/4 are women.
Rheumatoid arthritis 2/3 of the people afflicted from the disorder is female.
Gallstones are 4 times more common to women than men
Osteoporosis affects both men and women however; it is a major concern for women
Urinary tract infection and irritable bowel syndrome affects women more often than men.

There is much information available just about any health problem, health problems such as depression, cancer, diabetes, smoking, heart disease stress and alcoholism. It is vital that women are well informed about the kind of therapies, preventative measures and help available to them. Good health requires a life time commitment to those things contactive to good health.

For example, it is important that women maintain a good nutritional and exercise daily program, optimum weight, maintain normal blood sugar, pressure and cholesterol. The Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention in 1996 concluded that all cancer risks could see a 50% reduction by following a diet that contains low- fat, high fiber, and little red meat, limited amount of alcohol, regular exercise, and quitting smoking.

The job of being a patient can be overwhelming, lonely and frightening . Getting frequent check-ups is one of the many things you can do to help stay healthy and prevent health problems and disabilities. It is also essential to seek help for sudden emotional stress and share your experiences.

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