Thursday, May 31, 2007

Where Can I Find The Best Breast Enhancement Reviews?

Most breast enhancement reviews focus on the effectiveness of various topical and oral supplements that can help increase bust size naturally. While there are many different viewpoints, the majority of evidence shows that it is the herbal enhancers that appear to be most promising of all of the alternative methods.

A natural breast enhancement review will typically discuss the many different herbs that are commonly found in these supplements:

Fenugreek is rumored to have been used in Middle Eastern harems; women ate the seeds and doused their breasts in fenugreek-infused water in order to build up their breasts. Fennel also has similar breast-enhancing properties. Saw palmetto, now cherished as a treatment for male prostate problems, was originally used as a female breast enhancer. Wild yam, that centuries-old favorite for anything from menstrual problems to menopause, is also touted as a herb which can increase help breast size. Finally Dong Quai is usually an herb discussed in breast enhancement reviews, although the herb has also been used as a fertility booster.

Along with these herbs, breast enhancement reviews will often discuss the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are often the active ingredients in these products. These hormones are present in breast enlargement formulas because they mimic the processes the female body undergoes during puberty. At puberty, the ovaries produce estrogen and the pituitary gland activates human growth hormone, both of which make the breasts develop. Genetics also play a role, as breast size tends to run in the family. Overall body fat also is a factor: women with a higher percentage of body fat tend to have larger breasts.

However, a natural breast enhancement review will often state that estrogen-based natural breast enhancers only give temporary results, similar to the temporary breast size increase nursing mothers or women taking estrogen-based birth control pills experience. For permanent breast size increase, some believe a breast augmentation product should be progesterone-based. But both phyto-hormones seem to be effective, although more research must be conducted to prove this conclusively.

Most breast enhancement reviews state that oral supplements are more effective than topical products such as creams. Topical supplements can be helpful, especially since gently massaging the breasts can boost firmness and overall appearance. There are several breast massaging techniques available that claim to increase breast size. However, many women have very sensitive skin which may react to a topical product. Also, most topicals do nothing more than cause minor inflammation or tingling of the skin which can make it seem as if the breasts are bigger but this is usually a temporary and misleading condition.

Breast enhancement reviews will sometimes state that minor side effects may occur when a woman is taking the product. Women may feel tenderness and swelling in their breasts when taking a natural breast augmentation product, similar to the growing pains many teenage girls experience in their breasts. However, everyone's body is different and many women feel no side effects whatsoever when taking a breast augmentation product, except for larger, firmer, more feminine breasts.

Read a natural breast enhancement review, and you will find testimonials, pictures, and explanations about the benefits of the product, along with assurance that the product is safe, natural, and effective. Give natural breast augmentation a try, and start your road to a new you!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Do You Have the Courage to Speak Up Against Domestic Terrorists?

Poppy Doc was a fine country doctor in central Illinois. He worked tirelessly to save his community from the Great Influenza in 1918, likely the deadliest plague in history. The extremely virulent influenza virus killed an estimated 50 to 100 million people in the space of just six months. But Poppy Doc was a practical man of reason. He insisted that his farming community follow his hygiene protocols and even made the stubborn farmers stop their work and go to bed to save their lives. And it did. Poppy Doc Welch was invited to speak at medical conventions about his success for decades.

However, Dr. J. W. Welch fought a second blight that hit his rural community that he was never invited to speak about. His town, like many towns back then, did not allow people of African descent to live within the city limits. A family came to Doc Welch's clinic one Saturday morning. A young mother with two toddlers and their very sick father stood humbly at the doorway. Poppy Doc was a son of a son who treated Union and Confederacy wounded without prejudice and insisted on boiling his instruments, although he was severely chastised for his behavior. Doc Welch did what was right and treated the man and as he often did - refused any payment. The family drove on in their rattle trap car and Poppy though little of it.

But others thought a great deal about it. Word spreads like dry grass fire in small towns and soon his beloved community knew the whole shocking story. On Sunday evening Poppy Doc was called out to the porch of my great, great grandmother's large white farmhouse. A makeshift cross burned in the yard. Sparks flew in the hot summer breeze, briefly catching and eerily ignited the tips of the huge pine trees that flanked the yard. My mother, a child of six, was not easily contained by her own regal mother as she fought for position to see what was happening. A small crowd of men, perhaps a dozen, stood in the grass beyond the cross. Heavily robed, the moonlight caught the angles and curves of their hooded faces.

"Don't treat any more Niggers, Doc," they shouted.

Poppy Doc was the kindest man I have ever known. But that night he stood on his front porch and his 6'3" large frame leaned over the porch railing. Words to make a sailor proud flowed from his barred teeth and he told them he would treat any man, woman or child he damn well wanted to. He then proceeded to call each man out by name, recognizing them from their boots, or voice or body frame.

"Charlie, I will not be delivering your wife's baby." "Jack, I will let that foot of yours rot off before I help you again, now take that cross off my lawn and don't come back here, ever."

The stupid men pondered their situation only briefly, knocked down their handiwork and dispersed. Poppy Doc's teeth still snarled when he retold the story to me a generation later as I sat curled on his lap, my favorite resting place.

In the past week I have listened to Pastor Don Clowers of Dallas, the keynote speaker at a graduation ceremony who faced a shotgun and had his revival tent riddled with bullets because he cut down the rope dividing his church in half, one side for whites and one side for blacks. Then today, I received a mailing from Southern Poverty Law Center that said "Children are not born to hate. They're taught." Morris Dees offers a teaching program, called Teaching Tolerance that ensures "amidst the storms of injustice and racial and ethnic hatred there exists a beacon of hope." Can these men be fighting the same poisonous ignorance that my Grandfather cursed on his front porch?

Could we, as rational humans, make room for everyone or must we scramble to take the most, the fastest. Volunteers and low paid individuals on the ground fight for equality in opportunity, safety, food, health care, education and shelter for the poorest. But where is the tax money? In our recent past, America was easily distracted from the truth and real priorities of our time. America is the world's worst glutton of Co2 emissions, biggest polluter and enjoys the best of everything while the majority of the world suffers. Does the rest of the world have reason to dislike our behavior? Instead of dealing with essential issues, our crooked politicians get us very excited about secondary causes and social problems that temporarily fire up the people and keep them busy arguing among themselves with no leadership to a resolution. Meanwhile, those same politicians are busy slipping in self-serving bills, making fortunes, starting wars, or torturing captured, but untried people. This is America?

Many racist, selfish and greedy "domestic terrorists" operate on a philosophy that their immigrant relatives have more rights then another's immigrant relatives. Hate crimes, intolerance and prejudice is shifting to Mexican immigrants and distracting the American people from urgent work that needs to be done. A prolonged fight at home again is stupidity and a diversion from what really needs to change in America. Simply set up a new, tighter policy for immigration and enforce it, starting today. Leave families alone that are living here now, consider them grandfathered in because we can not waste time on the issue. Mexican immigration is a splinter, while we are dealing with a heart attack. Our energies need to return to the essential work of keeping America safer and the planet from overheating.

James William Welch, M.D. was a patriot, his son served as a doctor in WW2, as was his grandson, Jimmy Will, who served hard duty in a submarine. But I think that Poppy Doc would be on his front porch today if he could, cursing and outraged at the incompetence at the helm of American decisions. Billions of dollars are wasted while grass root programs that fight hatred in the next generation go unfunded. Such shortsightedness ignores the wisdom of educating women of the world about freedom, historical facts, health and science because women will spread tolerance and peace to their children, rather than watch them slaughtered and maimed in endless wars. There must be an alternative to killing men who disagree with us. Could war be won through compromise, new leadership and diplomacy instead of killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people?

The hot embers in the tall pine trees may soon warn of severe bad weather instead of just bad attitudes. Will you speak out now for the future of your children and their children? Americans can reset their priorities for their tax dollar. Change must happen quickly and we must stand shoulder to shoulder with each other regardless of skin color, heritage or political party. Perhaps knowing Poppy Doc's story will give you strength to lead us out of war and into sane progress and a sustainable future, because he is an example of a real leader, a person of courage, sanity and morality.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


It is one thing to have a limited political goal and to fight decisively for it; it is quite another to apply military force incrementally, hoping to find a political solution somewhere along the way. A president entering these situations must ask whether decisive force is possible and is likely to be effective and must know how and when to get out.
Condoleezza Rice

Foreign Affairs

January/February 2000

Condoleezza Rice had been working flat out since becoming secretary of state in January, delaying her vacation until the last days of August. The president had been on his vacation for weeks. In fact, Bush was on the way to setting a presidential record, surpassing Ronald Reagan for time spent away from Washington. When her holiday finally came, Rice embraced it with the same intensity she brought to her job. Escaping from work was one of the ways she maintained balance -- like her daily workouts, her sessions with her chamber music group, and her Sunday calls to friends and family.

She left Washington for her vacation in New York on Wednesday, August 31. That afternoon she hit some balls with Monica Seles, and that night she took in the sold-out Monty Python musical, Spamalot, on Broadway. On Thursday morning she indulged her shoe obsession, shopping at Ferragamo on Fifth Avenue. While Rice was out, her communications chief, Jim Wilkinson, back in his room at the Palace Hotel at Fifth and Madison, came across an item on the Drudge Report:

Eyewitness: Sec of State Condi Rice laughs it up at 'Spamalot' while Gulf Coast lays [sic] in tatters. Theatergoers in New York City's Great White Way were shocked to see the President's former National Security Adviser at the Monty Python farce last night -- as the rest of the cabinet responds to Hurricane Katrina . . .

Wilkinson's heart sank. The thirtysomething aide was so attentive to Rice's image that before she gave speeches in drab hotel conference rooms abroad, he fussed with the backdrop and podium to make sure the pictures would show what the city she was in. And it was Wilkinson who stage-managed her airport arrivals to make them look presidential. It was no secret that he hoped Rice would run for president some day. And now this. Hurricane Katrina had made landfall early Monday morning. Initially, weather forecasters thought New Orleans had dodged a bullet; when the storm hit sixty-five miles southeast of the city, it had been downgraded to a Category Three hurricane from a potentially cataclysmic Category Five. But by 8 a.m. on Monday, one of the city's central canals had been breached. The nearby Lower Ninth Ward, largely black and poor, was under six to eight feet of water, and soon eighty percent of New Orleans was flooded. Mayor Ray Nagin reported "significant" loss of life; bodies could be seen floating in the floodwater. Looting erupted.

Fifteen to twenty thousand residents took shelter in the Superdome, which was a designated "refuge of last resort." Another nearly twenty thousand crowded into the Convention Center, even though it wasn't a designated shelter and had no food or water. On Tuesday morning, Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco ordered the evacuation of the city, but no transportation was available to move anyone. By Wednesday, when Rice left for her vacation, the media was reporting that thousands were dead in New Orleans, and television screens filled with the images of the survivors. They were almost all African American, their eyes desperate, many carrying babies and what possessions they could grab as the waters rose. Reporters who had covered the Third World compared the scenes to refugee crises they had seen.

By Thursday, the situation had gotten even worse. Every hour, the cable news channels showed a dead woman in a wheelchair outside the Convention Center, covered with a sheet, under the now clear skies of New Orleans. Despite what Drudge reported, no one seemed to be responding to Katrina.

Wilkinson -- a native of East Texas, whose family had supported civil rights before it was fashionable for whites to do so -- was concerned enough about the images of African Americans stranded, begging for water from camera crews, that he conferred with Rice's other top advisers about whether Condi needed to return to Washington. "That woman needs a vacation," said one of Rice's advisers who was also a friend. In fact, all of Rice's staff agreed: She had set travel records jetting around the globe, and she deserved her downtime. And besides, she was secretary of state, not the interior.

But within hours, they regretted the decision. The New York Post's gossip column ran a piece reporting that Rice was working on her backhand with Monica Seles. Then the gossip and news Web site Gawker posted a story headlined "Breaking: Condi Rice Spends Salary on Shoes."

. . . So the Gulf Coast has gone all Mad Max, women are being raped in the Superdome, and Rice is enjoying a brief vacation in New York. We wish we were surprised.

What does surprise us: Just moments ago at the Ferragamo on 5th Avenue, Condoleeza [sic] Rice was seen spending several thousands of dollars on some nice, new shoes (we've confirmed this, so her new heels will surely get coverage from the [Washington Post's] Robin Givhan). A fellow shopper, unable to fathom the absurdity of Rice's timing, went up to the Secretary and reportedly shouted, "How dare you shop for shoes while thousands are dying and homeless!" Never one to have her fashion choices questioned, Rice had security PHYSICALLY REMOVE the woman.

Angry Lady, whoever you are, we love you. You are a true American, and we'll go shoe shopping with you anytime.

On Friday, the New York Daily News would report that Spamalot audience members had booed Rice when the lights came up. Then, the paper would ask, "Did New Yorkers chase Condoleezza Rice back to Washington yesterday?"

Rice says that no one chased her anywhere: "On Thursday morning I got up, I had breakfast, and I went down to Ferragamo. I came back. Things had gotten pretty bad, and plus I learned that the State Department had a problem; our New Orleans Passport Center was down. And . . . the pictures were really ugly. I called the president and I said, 'I think I should come back.'"

Rice insists the alleged encounter with the angry woman at Ferragamo never happened. "Absolutely not . . . this stuff just gets out there."

And in a country outraged by the tragedy unfolding in New Orleans, the tale of the angry shopper did get out there. And -- like CNN anchor Anderson Cooper's verbal lashing of Senator Mary Landrieu for politicians' diddling while rats ate dead bodies in the streets -- shot around the Internet. Later director Spike Lee would try to find the irate Ferragamo shopper, unsuccessfully. But in Lee's searing 2006 documentary, When the Levees Broke, African American social commentator Michael Eric Dyson took Rice to task: "While people were drowning in New Orleans, she was going up and down Madison Avenue buying Ferragamo shoes. Then she went to see Spamalot!"

Dyson muddled Ferragamo's address and the chronology of Rice's holiday, but he captured the sense of anger, even betrayal, that many African Americans felt toward the administration in general and Condoleezza in particular in the days after Katrina.
The criticism took Rice by surprise. "These are not my accounts," she protested to Chip Blacker, referring to domestic issues.

"I was watching on the news what was going on with Katrina. I wasn't getting the reports of what the hurricane was going to do or anything like that," says Rice. "And so I responded like the secretary of state, which is [to] worry about the foreign contributions, worry about the [New Orleans] passport center. But it was less than twenty-four hours before I realized it was time to get back.

"Look, I'd be the first to say I learned something from that. I thought of myself as secretary of state; my responsibility is foreign policy. I didn't think about my role as a visible African American national figure. I just didn't think about it."

That Rice hadn't realized that she had a role to play as a black leader was a result of how she saw the world. John and Angelena's efforts to invest their daughter with a limitless sense of possibility, to make her unconquerable, had made her both less confined by race and less conscious of it.

By the time Rice returned to Washington on Thursday afternoon, President Bush was facing a public furor of his own, centered around the photo the White House had released of Bush peering out the window of Air Force One, surveying Katrina's damage on his way back to Washington from Crawford. Presumably, the White House intended to show a concerned commander in chief; instead Bush had looked detached and powerless.

Watching the disaster coverage in her seventh-floor office at the State Department, Rice decided she had to go home to Alabama to show that the administration cared. An aide phoned the White House to clear the trip, but the White House resisted; the president should travel to the gulf first, and he was planning to go early next week. But Rice's office was adamant: The secretary needed to be down South "with her people." They reminded the White House that they had their own planes. The White House called back three hours later; Rice had been cleared to go. The president would go earlier.

Copyright © 2007 Marcus Mabry from the book Twice as Good by Marcus Mabry Published by Modern Times; May 2007;$27.50US/$34.50CAN; 978-1-59486-362-2

Coping Tips for Endometriosis That Really Work

Endometriosis is a common condition suffered by growing number of women in their reproductive years. Although commonly found in adult females in their 30s and 40s, endometriosis can also strike women as young as their teens and in their 20s. In North America alone, there are over 5 million women suffering from this painful and debilitating condition. Since it's a chronic condition, women need good coping tips for endometriosis so they can handle symptoms on a month-to-month basis.

Endometriosis can be asymptomatic to some women, who go through life without suffering from any of the symptoms associated with it. Unfortunately, there are more women who bear the burden of experiencing the sometimes excruciatingly painful symptoms that plague them each month.

Some of the most common symptoms include chronic or irregular pain in the pelvic area, painful menstrual periods, painful intercourse, painful bowel movements, irregular or heavy bleeding, fatigue, lower back pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. Some women even experience pain during ovulation. In some cases, endometriosis is blamed for infertility due to the lesions and scarring it develops in the uterine cavity.

Coping with Pain

If pain is the major cause of discomfort for you, pain relievers may be the solution. Pain relievers are often prescribed to help minimize or stop abdominal cramps. Drugs containing ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin and naproxen have been effective in addressing the swelling of endometrial tissues that cause the pain.

If taking pain relievers is out of the question, application of heat on the abdominal area and lower back may help ease the cramps. You can use heating pads for this purpose, or try a warm caster oil pack for 30 – 60 per day. Another common solution is taking a hot bath, which relaxes the muscles and contributes to lessening pain.

Nutrition and Diet

Another way of coping with endometriosis is making certain changes in your nutrition and diet. Some women report that staying away from certain foods minimizes their symptoms of endometriosis. It is unclear whether the symptoms are a result of certain allergies, but small changes in food choices can make a big difference.

For example, some women find that cutting down on caffeine, sodas, sugar, fats, salt and dairy products help them experience periods with minimal to zero pain. It may also be a good idea to take vitamin and mineral supplements such as Vitamins A, B, C, E, magnesium and selenium.

Keep reading to for more tips on coping with endometriosis and to sign up for our free newsletter which has many more natural tips you can use to relieve endometriosis pain.


Most experts recommend rest as a way of coping with endometriosis. Sleep is a good booster of the immune system and helps the body to attain balance. Most women find that when they are well-rested, they are better able to cope with endometriosis and its painful, disruptive symptoms.

Getting Help

Coping with endometriosis means being able to know where and how to get help. Most women find that a strong support network of family and friends helps them in coping with endometriosis. Joining associations, visiting pain centers or simply exchanging views and questions in online forums and message boards can be very therapeutic for many women.
Try just a few, or all of these coping tips for endometriosis and you'll find you are living a more comfortable, more symptom free life.